Do you want to cancel and find a new credit card processor that will treat you better?

This is a good time to ask yourself why you'd want to keep working with a processor that has jacked up your rates for no good reason. (Is this a good time to insert a shameless plug to work with me? At Acardpay we value our clients and don't do rate increases.). The reality is that it's important to remember that this is a long term partner for your business. If it's happened once, it's likely going to happen again. Plus, just from an ethical standpoint it probably feels very wrong. That was not what was agreed to originally, and it's not right to just change your rates.


If you are Canadian you happen to be in a particular good situation. In Canada you can exit your contract penalty free any time there is a rate increase. That makes it easy to escape from processors who aren't treating you right. Outside of Canada, you might have a fight on your hands.