Visa VCR: A New Chargeback and Dispute Resolution Process in April 2018 Introducing Visa Claims Resolution (VCR)

In this article we'll explore Visa's new dispute resolution process, which is replacing the old chargeback process, and is aptly titled "Visa Claims Resolution".

This is not intended to be an official or authoritative resource on the topic of VCR. For that, you should refer to content provided on the Visa website which can be found here. What we'll be exploring here are some of the biggest changes, and the beneficial impact it will have on merchant account.


It's fair to say that some merchants find the chargeback process difficult to understand. It is a process that has a lot of mystery associated with it, simply because there is often little insight into what goes on behind the scenes after receiving a chargeback. Disputes come in, you try to fight the disputes, sometimes you are successful, and sometimes you are not. It appears simple (you just send in your information) and then you wait to see what happens. Many merchants would benefit by having a better technical understanding of what is occurring after the paperwork is supplied. Since VCR has new rules with regards to the resolution of disputes we'll touch on this along with some of the changes that are occurring behind the scenes.